YEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I went to the NO DOUBT concert!!!! The concert was AMAZING!!!!
Are you jealous??? Well, you should be... hahaha!!
Are you jealous??? Well, you should be... hahaha!!
Paramore opened for them and they were great!!!! I really wish I could pull of orange/red hair like her!!We had amazing seats 2nd section 2nd row right behind where a wheel chair would be... this girl (I think) named... um... Pat... LOVED to dance in that spot! haha!! It was sometimes more entertaining to watch Pat then the show. I have video... I need someone to show me how to post video clips on this thing... because you're gonna freaking LOVE Pat's moves!!Gwen freaking ROCKS!!!!!!There comes a time when you should give up the tutu... and the time is NOW drummer boy!! NASTY... BUT SO PREDICTABLE!I didn't want the concert to end! They really know how to put on a GREAT show!And thanks Aaron for the great tickets!!
I am so jealous! I bet it was a rad concert! The naked drummer in the tutu was pretty disgusting though!!!
ah, yes! i am jealous! i heart no doubt and gwen. pat looked like quite the entertainment as well, haha! i love concerts.
LOL! i saw No Doubt back in the day when I was a freshman! I bet that was a fun show! I'm addicted to concerts, I need to go to one soon! I'm glad you had a blast!
Figures you would be put behind someone like Pat...I can just hear you cracking up throughout the entire concert! The drummer boy in the tutu would be like Cali's dream man so we had better keep her away from boys like that, note to self!
I swear I am coming over your way soon and will call. Love ya!
no picture of you and aaron, thats weird
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