About Me

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I've grown up in Phoenix and have LOVED it!! I have 3 beautiful sisters and 8 wonderful nieces and nephews!! They light up my life!! I have wonderful parents who still continue to help me grow every day. I really could not ask for better parents. Right now I take care of my wonderful grandmother who has dementia. We have so much fun together. And I'm grateful that I can spend this time with her!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Please go HERE to learn about what's going on this Saturday!! If you have time in you schedule we would love for you to come and support a wonderful friend! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sara Bareilles

Went to the Sara Bareilles concert and man she's a great singer! If only she could shape up and STOP using the F word!! Urrrrrr!!! That drives me NUTS!! Plus, I saw KIDS in the audience... come on... YOU DON'T NEED TO USE FOWL LANGUAGE TO BE "COOL"!!!!!  Other than the whole potty mouth thing... the concert was great! Oh and one more thing... women that want to go to concerts over the age of 25, PLEASE act your age! A "lady" having a mid-life crisis, I swear, was drunk (before the concert even began) and wanted to be my best friend. She kept dropping her alcohol all over me and my friends. I finally left! Because if I didn't I was going to brawl with this older woman. And since she was intoxicated and really couldn't defend herself.... I thought it best to enjoy the concert in the back where it was nice and cool and drunkard free. :)  Watch Sara's new song on YouTube, it's awesome!! Here are a few pictures from the concert with my friends!

Oh and get ready!! I have a LOT of things to tell you and show you about Spain!! Can't wait... hehe!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Watch out Bella! Big Ash is sweepin' in...

Well, I think Big Ash will give Bella Swan a run for her money... what do you think???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lamb of God

My Mom, my aunts- Kristie and Patty, my sisters- Erin, Tara and Brianne and I went to a show called the LAMB OF GOD.
Press HERE to go to a link so you can hear about how the Lamb of God presentation came about.
The music is beautifully written and will definitely leave you with a better spirit of hope and love. You can also take a look at Spire Music's website as well.
Here are a couple of pictures from that night. 

I love girls night and I love feeling the spirit. Also, if you would like to learn more about that feeling of hope and love and how you can have that in your life, please go to this website.