Where to begin... let's start off with the Twilight premiere... We had a big group show up for the midnight showing!! Thanks to everyone that came and enjoyed a little Edward time with me!!! It was totally fun!!!!!!!! I thought they did a good job with the movie... of course it was not as good as the book... but it was still good enough for me... I saw it twice in less then 12 hours... hahaha!!!! I can't wait for the second movie!! I'm sure you all heard the 2nd movie was approved to film!! Wahoo!!!!!!!! My sisters and I wore handmade t-shirts... Brianne's said: What do you mean Edward isn't real??? Tara's said: Edward, please BITE me!! and mine said: Christmas wish list: 1. Move to Forks 2. Meet Edward 3. Become a Vampire!! hahaha!! I thought they were great!!! Michelle and I had a blast at the theater... we went around taking crazy pictures of ourselves... if you want to see those you'll have to go to Facebook and check them out :)
The next item of topic is... Breba and Josh!! Did you all here that they are totally an item??? Yep... they got together at Bruce and Emily's reception!! Look how cute they are together!!! I think it's Breba's new super cute haircut that made Josh go wild!!!!
OK... now we're up to Thanksgiving day/ weekend... so one of my main goals for this year was to participate in a 5k run/walk!! I DID IT!! Yeah!!!! I may have not been the fastest person... but I am so happy that I finally did it!! Two of my sisters did it with me... Tara and Brianne! Thanks guys!! Next year Erin and my Mom will participate with us!!!!
After our 5k we went over to the Larsen's home for Thanksgiving dinner!! Thanks for having us!! It was yummy!!!
So the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) I went shooting with some friends!! Boyd, Spencer, Taylor, Josh, Breba (I was so nervous she wasn't going to come... you know because of Black Friday...), Keith and Natalie!! It was really fun!! I was so proud of myself... the first two clay pigeons I totally hit them!! As Boyd puts it... own the gun Krista... hahaha!! I was pretty happy!! I also LOVE Breba's NEW pink gun!! Super fun to shoot!! Breba brought another computer screen and shot that up!! I would have to say she did quite the job!! That was so fun!!
That night we went to the see the temple lights and went to Organ Stop Pizza!!! If you have never gone to Organ Stop Pizza you NEED to make this a new tradition with your family or friends!! It's a ton of fun!!!!!
So after Organ Stop Pizza we went back to Dan's place and had a ping pong tournament... let's just say that I wasn't too thrilled with this... How come I HAD to play... but Ashley got out of this one???? Well, luckily my partner Josh gave me some lessons on how to play the game. I STILL SUCKED!! HAHAHA!!
And then we went to a party on Saturday night and Spencer thought he was going to freak out Ashley by putting his arm around her... but instead she did the opposite thing of freak out and put her hand on his inner thigh... hahaha!! Don't they just look like the pair!! hehe!!
Well I hope this satisfies any cravings for Krista time... hehe!! Until next time...
Yeah... I'M THE FIRST TO COMMENT ON YOUR POST! That never happens to me! I loved all of your pictures! I am very impressed with your gun shooting skills! "Own the gun Krista! Own the gun!" ha ha. Thats funny!
What the heck Erin!?!? I always get the first comment! Whats wrong with you!?! ... I am crying now.
Anyway - Krista, Krista, Krista - You HAVE to blog more, that goes for everyone - I need to inject myself into your lives, and live them as they were my own - Oh! I could use that in my book - Oh my gosh - for a second I thought I was writing a new post! Okay - That was weird!
Okay - I cant think of anything to say -well, bye I guess
Cheryl - grati (the verication word)
Dont even tell me Cheryl, I already know what it means!
I just felt like I needed to express some GRATItute to Krista, for unpluging the church drain tonight - UGH - it smeeled so bad! HOLY CRAP, I dont think I was ever closer to throwing up in my life!
-Guess what my dad just asked me to do: The dishes ha ha ha
Okay really bye.
I just had to say, this is like the longest comment ever written!
Nice job Kris. Love the new post. Also, you may have given Ashley a bad rap, remember she was ASKED by Breba to cut her hair and she DID tell her she doesn't know how to cut hair.... so she did have a pretty good disclaimer. The real lesson is: If you ask someone to do something they say they don't know how to do... don't expect much! In the end she did her a favor... look at the cute haircut she ended up with!
Why was I not mentioned in the Turkey Trot 5K?!! Why?!! There should have been a photo AND a huge commentary on my finishing skills AND summary speech. What do I have to do to get on this blog? What?! Taylor picks up some scissors and he's on. Heather just sits in a chair and she's in. Krista I beginning to feel you are biased in your picture and blogging commentary.
Hey Kristahhhhhhhhhhh,
You rocked it with the 5K! Dang girl! looking good! Your family pictures are BEAUTIFUL too!!
We should talk sometime.......
I just want to know if Breba and Josh REALLY are an item or not?????
I always get a kick out of your posts...oh to live a day in the life of Krista! I LOVE your family picture at the top. It cracks me up because your dad is such a good sport with all of those girls...somehow I think that is a glimpse into TJ's future family photo sessions...what do you think?!
I need to correct something... Josh and Breba are NOT really an item. :)
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